A lot of alcohol will be consumed at Super Bowl parties this Sunday, increasing the likelihood for drunk driving accidents when partygoers head home.
That is why the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has partnered with local law enforcement for the Fans Don’t Let Fans Drive Drunk marketing campaign. It offers practical tips for partygoers on avoiding drunk driving accidents.
Impaired driving was a factor in 29 percent of all fatal car accidents in 2015. These accidents caused 10,265 people to lose their lives. An experienced South Bend auto accident attorney can help victims of drunk drivers explore their legal options to recover compensation through a car accident injury claim.
If you are hosting or attending a party this Super Bowl Sunday, the NHTSA’s strategies could help save people’s lives.
If You Plan to Consume Alcohol
You should designate a sober driver before you go to the party to ensure you will make it home safe. This person should not consume alcohol at all during the party.
However, if this person drinks unexpectedly, do not let them drive you home. Call a friend who has not been drinking or call a cab. Download the NHTSA’s SaferRide app on your Apple or Android device to mark your location so a friend or taxi can pick you up.
No matter who drives you home, make sure everyone in the car wears a seat belt because it could save your life in an accident.
If you cannot find transportation from a sober driver, ask the host of the party if you can stay the night.
If You Will Be a Sober Driver
This is a huge responsibility because other people are trusting you to transport them home safely. You cannot drink at all, even a little bit of alcohol could slow your reaction time, increasing the risk of a car accident when you are behind the wheel.
You should also watch out for anyone attempting to drive home after drinking at the party. Take their keys away and help them find alternate transportation.
If You Are the Host of a Party
Hosts have a responsibility to help everyone in attendance get home safe. You should ask your guests to have designated drivers before they leave for the party.
If you do not consume alcohol at the party, offer a ride to anyone who has been drinking and cannot transport themselves home.
If you lose a loved one in an accident caused by impaired driving, contact a South Bend personal injury attorney at Pfeifer, Morgan & Stesiak. We may be able to file a lawsuit to obtain fair compensation for the damages you have suffered.
We offer a free consultation and work on a contingency fee basis, which means we do not obtain compensation unless there is a favorable resolution of your claim.
Call (574) 444-0741.