Keeping Your Life Moving During A Lawsuit

Posted on behalf of Pfeifer Morgan & Stesiak

on December 6, 2011


. Updated on January 28, 2025


A personal injury lawsuit in Indiana (or any state, for that matter) can take a long period of time, and can be an emotionally stressful time for the plaintiff (that’s you), who often is still coping with the effects of the injury.

During this time, it’s important that you keep living your life, and continue to focus on getting well. Remember, that’s why you entered into the suit in the first place: to move on with your life as much as you can. Our South Bend personal injury attorneys suggest you follow these practical tips for making the most of what can be a very difficult time.

1. Read. This one can be particularly helpful if your injury prevents more physical activities (but if it doesn’t, see below). It’s also a good idea to be selective about what you end up reading. If you tend to get worked up and angry by reading your favorite political author, or if a novelist has a tendency to make you even more emotional, then maybe a change of pace is in order. Find something fun or inspiring. Join a book club, or just start your own with a friend or two, and discuss the book together.

2. Be social. Don’t let your injury prevent you from interacting with people. If you’re stuck at home, invite friends over for a visit. Participate in an organization, or volunteer your time with a charity that you care about. Interaction with people you care about with people you care about, and being part of something bigger than yourself can be a great way to help the healing process along.

3. Be active. Regular exercise is extremely important for your health and well-being. It also can have the added benefit of helping you feel better, more energetic, and more focused.

Even if you’re not able to get up and go outside, use hand weights. Set realistic, yet ambitious goals for yourself, whether it’s training to run a competitive 8k, or getting up and walking to and from the living room a couple of times a day. Talk to your physician about the best routine for you, but make sure that it is a routine, and stick to it. Joining a gym or a fitness class can be  a great way to increase both your physical activity and your social life.

With an experienced personal injury lawyer, your case is in good hands. Keep in touch with your lawyer, and they’ll let you know how things are progressing. After all, they don’t collect unless you do. But while you’re waiting for your case to progress, take advantage of this time to improve your life in any way you can.

Pfeifer, Morgan & Stesiak

Serious Attorneys for Serious Cases