Can I Stack My Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage in Indiana?

Posted on behalf of Pfeifer Morgan & Stesiak

on July 15, 2022

. Updated on August 4, 2023


stacking insuranceAlthough Indiana law requires every driver in the state to carry liability insurance, not every driver does. Some drivers only carry the minimum coverage, and this is unlikely to cover damages from a crash that causes serious injuries.

These are the reasons why it is important for drivers to carry Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist (UM) coverage.

Unfortunately, some accidents may be so catastrophic that your own UM/UIM policy may still not be enough to cover the full cost of damages. That is when stacking UM coverage may be beneficial, if your policy allows it.

Below, our South Bend-area auto accident lawyers discuss insurance stacking and how it may benefit your claim if you suffer catastrophic injuries.

What Does Stacking UM/UIM Coverage Mean?

Stacking coverage means adding up the policy limits on multiple vehicles, drivers or policies to increase the amount of available coverage if you are involved in an accident with an uninsured driver or a driver who does not have enough insurance to cover all your damages. You can only stack bodily injury coverage across multiple policies.

What is the Difference Between Intra and Inter-Policy Stacking?

There are two ways UM coverage can be stacked:

  • Intra-policy stacking/vertical stacking – if a driver’s name is on multiple insurance policies, that person may be able to add up the UM coverage across all policies. For example, UM coverage on a motorcycle or recreational vehicle may be stacked with UM coverage on a car.
  • Inter-policy stacking/horizontal stacking – For policies with multiple vehicles or drivers, the UM bodily injury for each person/vehicle can be stacked.

It is important to note that UM/UIM coverage is not a requirement in Indiana. Insurers are required to offer this coverage, but drivers can opt-out of this coverage in writing. Drivers who keep this coverage may be able to choose between stacked and non-stacked coverage.

Does Indiana Allow Insurance Stacking?

Yes, Indiana drivers are allowed to stack their UM insurance policies. Both types of stacking are allowed in the state, unlike some other states where only one type of stacking is allowed.

Not every insurance company offers stacked insurance, though, so it is important to ask about it when shopping around. Some insurance policies have “anti-stacking” provisions, which are allowed by state law. However, the anti-stacking provision must have clear language providing fair notice to the policyholder.

It is important to review your policy with a knowledgeable attorney to see what legal options may be available to you depending on the terms of your policy, as well as the insurance policy of the at-fault driver if you get injured in a crash.

What Are the Benefits of Stacking Coverage?

Insurance stacking allows drivers to add insurance policy limits together to increase available coverage in case of an accident.

For example, if you have UM/UIM coverage of $100,000 it provides $100,000 for each person injured by someone with no insurance or not enough insurance to cover damages. If you stack the UM policies together, you will have $200,000 available per accident and per person.

For accidents that result in serious or catastrophic injuries, accident victims might need this much insurance to avoid having to pay for many expenses out of pocket. A serious accident could leave you not only with significant medical bills but unable to work for a long time (or ever again). If the at-fault driver does not have enough insurance to cover these costs, you could be left footing the bill. Therefore, stacking UM coverage may be in your best interest to prepare for the worst-case scenario.

Injured in a Crash? Call Pfeifer, Morgan & Stesiak Today

If you were injured in a crash with an uninsured driver, you may still have options for recovering compensation if you have UM/UIM coverage. If your UM coverage is stacked, you may have a better chance of recovering full compensation if your injuries are serious or catastrophic.

Let our knowledgeable attorneys review your policy after an accident to determine what legal options may be available to you.

We offer a free consultation to discuss your claim, and there are no upfront fees while we work on your case.

Call (574) 444-0741 to schedule your consultation today.

Pfeifer, Morgan & Stesiak

Serious Attorneys for Serious Cases